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Together We Are Creating Excellence Through Dance!

We provide scholarships to talented young dancers to help them grow to the next level of their dance education or experience professional instruction for the first time.


Dance brings so much more than just talent and technique to the lives of these young artists. Dance provides community, builds confidence, teaches leadership skills, and instills meaningful core values to last a lifetime.


Our mission is to fund opportunities for young dancers to build their talent and character while fulfilling their dreams and inspiring others.


To expand the reach of our scholarship program, we have developed annual engagement opportunities for companies to collaborate with us in enriching the lives of young dance artists.


In partnering with The Backstage Foundation, you will empower dancers with the resources to make their dreams a reality, enhance their leadership skills, and provide a positive community.


We want to collaborate with you to design an engagement package that provides the most beneficial exposure for your company. Our Annual Engagement Opportunities Packet provides additional information in becoming an annual supporter of The Backstage Foundation.


Thank you for considering a partnership with us.

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